Over the past year, I have really gotten into some great music from a group of various artists in Chapel Hill NC called the Bu_hanan collective (they are also their own indie record label). This group of 5 or so guys and their friends make amazing, collaborative music together. I have included ELEVEN mp3s from 3 of these fantastic groups/ musicians that make up the collective: Kapow! Music (John Ribo and co.), The Prayers and Tears of Arthur Digby Sellers (Perry Wright, Alex Lazara), and David Karsten Daniels. I am not going to say much about this as I want you to spend your time LISTENING. I would love to know what you think!

I will need to re-post these again later, as I made a mistake in how it was done the first time. For now, check out the tunes on the Kapow! music Myspace site.

2)"Concerning the End of the World" (my very favorite--lyrics are painful and profound)
3)"Concerning Lessons Learned from Aliens"
4)"Come Ye Sinners"
5) "Against Pollution" (Mountain Goats Cover)

1)"Siamese Hearts" (Another favorite)
2)"Jesus and the Devil"
3)"The Dream Before the Ring that Woke Me"
Finally, here are links to the above musicians individual sites, so you can download and/or buy more music--as well as see if they are playing near you. I know that both Prayers and Tears and David Karsten Daniels have new albums coming out relatively soon, so I am guessing they will be touring. Here are the sites:
The Prayers and Tears of Arthur Digby Sellers (this site in particular has TONS of good FREE music to download--plus some fascinating commentaries)
David Karsten Daniels
Kapow! music
**I am ashamed that I forgot to mention that music guru Jeremy Huggins introduced me to the Prayers and Tears over a year ago on his blog. Jeremy's fantastic blog "Junkmail for Blankets" has to be my favorite blog out there, full of excellent writing and music, movie, lit recommendations. Be sure to take a look at it at some point. His recent article about Page France (which happens to mention the Prayers and Tears of Arthur Digby Sellers) has profoundly effected me on many levels.